
The menopause can often be a difficult time in a woman’s life. It doesn’t have to be that way.

The average age of the menopause is 51, but hormones can start changing from 45 years old and sometimes younger. 

Photo by Yaoqi LAI on Unsplash

It usually comes at a time when a woman is already under considerable strain from work or family commitments. 

You may be at the height of your professional career, have children who are navigating puberty, or elderly relatives that need care.

Struggling with menopausal symptoms can be distressing and it can impact on every aspect of your life. Herbal medicines can be taken as an alternative to HRT and help you feel more balanced and in control.

Herbal medicines may help regulate hormones, reduce symptoms and improve your sense of wellbeing.  

Herbal medicine can be taken for:

  • Joint stiffness, aches and pains

  • Recurrent urinary tract infections

  • Heavy and/or irregular menstrual bleeding

  • Reduced libido and vaginal dryness

  • Hot flushes and nights sweats

  • Difficulty sleeping and poor energy

  • Anxiety, irritability and low mood

  • Poor memory and concentration

Let’s Talk!

A consultation gives you time to fully explain how the menopause affects.  Every women will have her own unique experience and a herbal prescription is tailored to reflect that.  Dietary and lifestyle advice is also offered as part of your treatment.

Read more about consultations with Klayr Hunter